Komitet Ohrany Tepla


'Komitet Ohrany Tepla' (Warmth Defence Committee) is a Russian reggae group that has contributed much to spreading the Rasta message in Russia. They come from the city of Köningsberg on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The group travelled to many Russian cities in the '90s spreading the message of Jah Rastafari, albeit in their own unique manner. By many, Oldi was regarded as a messianic figure. Their group is hardly rastafarian for it lacks in rasta positiveness and Oldi's rather grim lyrics appeal more to punks who are naturally attracted to 'burn, Babylon, burn' attitude of rastas. "Committee" are a legend of the Russian underground musical scene and one thing is certain, that Oldi will never change his unruly attitude in order to seek acceptance within 'dis babilan system'.
"I was born in the swamp, soaked to life by the damp ..." is his coinage and more than any, these words, convey the longing for the positive vibes and emotional warmth that the group has set out to preserve and defend.

Here's my attempt at translating a quote from one of Oldi's song:

black on white: someone was wrong
to de african weed i was born: an extra son;
the snow is black 'ere an' i'm moving to the reggae
see my dancing duppy as you skank there
on ya far-away shore


Lyrics (Russian) and sound-files:

Girland ----------------------------- [RA audio]
It is no good to love now ----------- [RA audio]
Fucked up again ------------------- [RA audio]
Kaya -------------------------------- [RA audio]


[Zhurnal.Ru] [ZR Music]

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